Extended Beta Test Phase Drawing to Close

02 April 2013 - 04:06

After a couple years experimenting with Q-Assessor, listening to feedback from users, and evaluating the opportunities for Q in various applications, we’re closing down the beta test phase. Thus new sign-ups are no longer being accepted.

It appears to us that Q-Assessor’s technologies have most potential in bespoke vertical applications and not in a general-purpose “online Q system” as Q-Assessor is currently configured. There just isn’t a sustainable market amongst the small, primarily academic Q practitioners out there. Q simply appears to be a too-little used methodology to support a web system like Q-Assessor. We have identified several specific applications where the Q technique might be quite valuable without invoking all the baggage that a specific identification with “Q” involves. We hope that Q-Assessor’s DNA will live on in other forms.

We will provide current users until 1 June 2013 to wind their current studies to conclusion and download their data. We are not supporting any new studies.

We appreciate the interest and feedback we’ve received about Q-Assessor.


Jonathan Sibley — 18 April 2013 - 17:31

Very sad to see Q Assessor go, although it is understandable if you need paying customers and they don’t exist.

Thanks for supporting the studies you have already supported!

Elise Crawford — 25 July 2013 - 06:40

I am very sad that Q Assessor has not become commercially available and has now has been discontinued. For me, the on-line tool had many advantages. Two major advantages were: 1) the security of having direct control over ones own study from data collection through to analysis, and 2) no lost or corrupted data from collection through to analysis.

Technology advancement has solved so many unique problems, so I hope this closure does not discourage innovators from pursuing to meet the needs of the Q researcher, while at the same time, be able to offer an economic solution (rental fee).

Thanks Stan for your prompt responses and support during the time when I was using Q Assessor. Your customer service was exceptional. I wish you all the best!

Rory Nealon — 04 August 2013 - 18:20

Thanks guys was a great program and am sad to see it go :\ I would hope an academic institution of some sort would recognize the great work put into this site and take it over .

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